Exploring the Key West Firehouse Museum and the Mysterious Bum Farto Exhibit

Key West is an island filled with rich history, eccentric charm, and an array of unique attractions. Among them, the Key West Firehouse Museum stands as a hidden gem, preserving the captivating story of the island’s firefighting heritage. Within its walls, visitors can delve into the enigmatic tale of Bum Farto, the infamous fire chief, through a fascinating exhibit that showcases his intriguing life.

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Nestled in a Key West neighborhood, you will discover the Key West Firehouse Museum housed in one of the beautifully preserved former firehouses on the island. This museum pays homage to the brave firefighters who have safeguarded Key West over the years. Its exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays provide a captivating glimpse into the evolution of firefighting techniques, equipment, and the heroic stories of Key West’s firefighters.

As you explore the Key West Firehouse Museum, prepare for immersive experiences that allow you to step into the shoes of a firefighter. Don the firefighting gear and experience the thrill of maneuvering a vintage fire engine or sliding down the pole. Marvel at the collection of historic firefighting equipment, photographs, and memorabilia that create a tangible connection to Key West’s firefighting past.

The Mysterious Bum Farto Exhibit

After exploring the lower level, ascend the haunted staircase to encounter additional exhibits, including the Bum Farto desk and personal items. Bum Farto, originally named Joseph Farto, had a childhood fascination with the firefighters, earning the nickname “Bum” from them. Little did anyone know that he would one day become their chief. In 1964, he assumed the role of fire chief, leaving a lasting impression on the community with his larger-than-life personality and flamboyant antics. Bum Farto was known for his trademark red leisure suits, flashy gold chains, and rose-colored glasses.

Uncover the scandals that surrounded Bum Farto, including his misuse of department funds, over-the-top antics, and his involvement in drug trafficking. Learn about his arrest as part of the “Operation Conch” investigation.

Following his arrest, Bum Farto faced a potential prison sentence of over 30 years. However, while awaiting sentencing, Bum vanished from Key West, leaving behind an enduring mystery that still captivates locals and visitors alike. Speculations and conspiracy theories abound regarding his fate. Some believe he escaped to Costa Rica. While others speculate that he may have been eliminated by the Mafia or Colombian kingpins to prevent him from implicating them.

TIP: Go to the chart room bar and find locals who knew bum farto. The stories you will hear will be well worth it!
Join us for a tour of the Key West Firehouse Museum

While the Key West Firehouse Museum may not be one of the most commonly recommended attractions in Key West, it certainly deserves recognition. It offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Key West’s firefighting heritage and explore the captivating story of the island’s infamous fire chief. From Bum Farto’s rise to power to his controversies, misdeeds, and mysterious disappearance, the museum provides a window into the past. Through immersive experiences and a remarkable collection of artifacts, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the island’s firefighting history and unravel the enigmatic character of Bum Farto.

Key West Firehouse Museum