Rediscovering American History: Travel Writers’ Guide to Historic US Locations

US Historic Locations

Uncover the hidden gems of American history with our immersive journey through the most captivating and historically significant destinations in the United States. From the birthplace of the nation in Philadelphia to the haunting echoes of Pearl Harbor, each location holds stories of bravery, triumph, and tragedy that have shaped the country we know today. Join us as we delve into the rich tapestry of the past, exploring historic districts, museums, and monuments, and walking in the footsteps of those who came before us. Step back in time and embrace the allure of history on this enlightening and unforgettable historical adventure through the heart of America.

Fort Zachary Taylor: Guarding Key West from Attack For Nearly 200 Years

Fort Zachary Taylor on a sunny day in Key West

Fort Zachary Taylor is a historic gem nestled in the heart of Key West, Florida. This magnificent fortress has stood tall for nearly two centuries, playing a crucial role in defending United States interests against European powers in the Western Hemisphere. Today, it stands not only as a piece of history but also as a picturesque attraction drawing in tourists to the nearby beaches and history lovers to the well-preserved fort.

Honoring America’s First Veterans: The Reinterment Ceremony at the Battle of Camden

Camden Battle Revolutionary War soldiers

Discover the history and significance of the Battle of Camden, a pivotal Revolutionary War battle, and learn about the recent ceremony honoring the soldiers who lost their lives. Explore the details of the battle, including the strategic decisions made by both sides, and gain insight into the lasting impact it had on the war. Dive into the emotional story of the recent reinterment ceremony, which brought closure to the families of the soldiers and honored their sacrifice.

Visiting Fort Sumter: The First Shots of the Civil War Were Fired Here

Fort Sumter wall

On April 12th, 1861, Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard fired on Union forces at Fort Sumter, marking the beginning of the American Civil War. The fort was strategically placed to control access to Charleston Harbor, a vital seaport for America and the South. Despite being outnumbered and running out of supplies, Union forces held out for 34 hours before surrendering to the Confederates.

Forgotten Heroes of WWII: Delivering Hope to WWII Soldiers through 17 Million Letters

Historic Footnotes Podcast - Obscure and often forgotten pieces of history

Picture this: it’s 1945 and soldiers on the frontlines eagerly await a letter from their loved ones back home. But their letters are undelivered, stuck in a backlog of over 17 million pieces of mail. Enter Major Charity Adams, a trailblazing African-American woman who led the all-black, all-female 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion to clear that massive backlog and boost the morale of soldiers fighting for our country.