8 Items to Help Live your Best Life of Adventure

With the changes to travel in the last couple of years, RVing is more popular than ever.  People are taking their house on the road more and more – both as full-timers and weekend warriors. While there are a lot of lists out there about the products you “just have to grab” this is not one of those lists. We have skipped over the essentials and opted for the items that we find great for traveling and living an adventurous life!

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RV Adventure Kitchen Essentials

Instant Pot 

While dreams of constant barbeques may dance in your head while purchasing your RV, the reality of rainy days hits at some point. Within your first “indoor” meal, you will realize just how bad ALL RV kitchens truly are. It doesn’t matter how much you spent on your rig. It doesn’t matter how much better they claimed the stove would be – they are awful. But hundreds of groups on Facebook have the answer with Instant Pot recipes.  Literally, all the recipes. They make cakes in these things! 

Pro Small Space Tip: Vent it outside. Cook inside, but carry it outside to vent. 

Unbreakable Cups

Reusable is important, but so is eliminating plastic. And if you are visiting the south in the summer (or Florida anytime) you want insulated cups.  Green Steel sent one of these to test. We loved it so much that we immediately ordered another. Making this cup Florida humidity-approved!

Grab your own (20/30/40 oz) here. (Available in multiple colors)

Safer Kitchen Items for Adventure

RV manufacturers haven’t caught on to kitchen organization. If you’re lucky, you get a couple of drawers to throw everything into.  The problem is that includes kitchen knives. While there are some sheathed knives available, we find this one to be great for an on-the-go life of adventure! Think pocket knife, but made for chopping up those veggies!

Comfort Items in your RV 

Number rule of buying a new RV is to replace the mattress (and likely the tires, but that is another story).  The mattresses are notoriously awful! The problem is you sometimes need special sizes and thicknesses for an RV. GoodMorning.com offers eco-friendly RV solutions to give you a better night’s sleep. 

The black tanks are something every RV group discusses at length.  Everyone has to deal with it. No one wants to deal with it. The best option is a good enzyme (Happy Camper) and the less stuff in the tank the better. That’s where bidets come in. We added the FreshSpa Comfort+ to our rig and it has helped. (That’s probably enough on that)

Fluffy towels may be what you love at home, but on the road and in a small space you will want small and easily dried. Turkish towels will take up less space and dry quickly. While there are a lot of options out there, here are the ones we find soft and long-lasting.

Enjoying the Outdoors 

You likely decided to hit the road to enjoy the outdoors.  Unfortunately, some campsites will be more suitable than others. Having a few items on hand will help ensure you always enjoy the trip. 

Mosquitoes are an issue, but the ThermoCells are a lifesaver! We have the tabletop version and the wearable version for walking dogs. They work. Get some. 

Moon Shade

Moon Shade is an ingenious canopy that beats anything else we have tried. A canopy, two poles, and multiple attachments give you easy shade anywhere. We have used this on our truck at the beach, against the RV (opposite side of the built-in canopy) to shade the unit and stand-alone. It folds small and is lightweight! The Moon Shade stays in our truck all the time! We store it right next to our first-aid kit making us always prepared to enjoy a great view! 

Disclosure: Some links on our site are affiliate links. If you purchase a linked item, we will make a commission, at no extra charge to you.