Titusville’s National Police Memorial Honors Those That Protect and Serve

American Police Museum in Titusville, Florida

Being a good police officer is one of the most difficult, dangerous, (and) idealistic jobs in the world. Thomas Hauser When an officer puts on their badge in the morning, they don’t know if they’ll be able to take it off at night. And sadly, many pay the ultimate price each year serving to protect … Read more

Rediscovering American History: Travel Writers’ Guide to Historic US Locations

US Historic Locations

Uncover the hidden gems of American history with our immersive journey through the most captivating and historically significant destinations in the United States. From the birthplace of the nation in Philadelphia to the haunting echoes of Pearl Harbor, each location holds stories of bravery, triumph, and tragedy that have shaped the country we know today. Join us as we delve into the rich tapestry of the past, exploring historic districts, museums, and monuments, and walking in the footsteps of those who came before us. Step back in time and embrace the allure of history on this enlightening and unforgettable historical adventure through the heart of America.

A Future President, a Future Senator, and a Duel that Echoes through History

Historic Footnotes Podcast - Obscure and often forgotten pieces of history

If I told you two politicians were so infuriated with one another that one would challenge the other to a duel, you would be forgiven for thinking it is a recent news story. Or, if you realized that no one has publicly challenged anyone to a duel for over 200 years, you might be thinking of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. In either case, you’d be mistaken. I’m talking about President Abraham Lincoln and Senator James Shields. Of course, this was before either were elected to those offices.

A Dusty Box Filled with Adventure

Some of the greatest adventures begin at home. Specifically in a few boxes stored in your garage for too many years without being touched. In my case, those boxes had been in my garage for three years. My dad passed away three years ago and I brought family paperwork home, but never got through it. I finally started the process last August and found a treasure trove of information on my ancestry.